In about 4 months our team will be going on a trip to Mexico, so i figured i would start off the blog with a Spanish greeting. Your welcome.
I hope the last 3 weeks have been challenging to both the men, women, married and single. It is amazing to me that the scriptures are timeless, with no need to change from culture to culture. Some would say the things we have been talking about are really outdated and not for us. They would say gender roles and differences are simply a historical idea that we have finally outgrown. However, after the last three weeks i hope it has become evident the the Bible simply has it right. It is my desire that the men of the Journey would know what the bible says a man is and live it out. It is a high call to be the man the bible calls us to be, and we all have a life of growing ahead of us. It is also my desire that the women of the Journey would be strong women who love Jesus, love the scriptures, love there family, love there church family, and are all the bible says they are.
For the sake of our future generations, may we step up and fight, to be biblically faithful in everything that we do. I believe the the great commission in most effectively lived out when men are men and women are women living on mission together as the church.
This Sunday will be our last Sunday in this series. We will be finishing up with Role of Women in the Church. The texts we will be from 1 Cor. 11 and 13, Titus 2, 1 Tim 2, Acts 16, and Luke 2. We will be taking communion Sunday night as well.
If your at work or school or sitting at home when you read this know that you are being prayed for today. Take a sec and think about someone you know and see everyday that does not know Christ. Live like Jesus and Pray that God would move!
Recommended Sites: Here There are over 5000 sermons and teachings from men and women.
Recommended reads
Feminine Appeal Carolyn Mahaney
The Chandlers Blog :Link to 2. 25 Inches to the Right and 4 Inches Up (To the one who thought that was funny last time. There it is again. Haha)
music listening to
Coldplay Viva la Vida
Is Your Christianity Too Quiet?
7 hours ago